O enólogo e o administrador da Adega Marel, Tiago Macena e David Morgado, sorridentes encostados a uma árvore no Alentejo.

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In Amareleja, land of extremely challenging climate, we are permanently inspired by the ancestral practices of the culture of the vineyard, seeking the preservation of the old vines and local grape varieties, valuing the tradition of “Talha wine” for it’s patrimonial heritage, and it´s role in this region’s identity, with pride and respect for the land and for what it offers.

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Blend of regional grape varieties. It results in fresh, aromatic and gastronomic wines that seek to be faithful witnesses of their territory.

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Três garrafas de vinho Marel: Tinto, Branco e Rosé.
Três garrafas de vinho Manolito da Adega Marel: duas de vinho tinto e uma de vinho branco. Os rótulos são azuis no tinto e creme no branco, com imagens de chapéus fedora aveludados.



These wines honour the union of two worlds: the “Talha” wine – produced as in the ancient tradition, with grapes from old vines – with a wine of contemporary techniques, with grapes from younger vineyards.

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White “Talha” Wine

Expression of the living memory of this land, its practices and traditions.

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Duas garrafas de vinho de talha branco. Os rótulos das garrafas em tons de verde e dourado têm textura e relevo.
Folhas de videira com tons verdes, vermelho e amarelo.


The approximately 14 ha of vineyards are planted in a soil mix with very different characteristics (from sandy loam to sandy clay-loam), very poor and stony. It is in the harshness of the extreme climate of the warmest wine region in the country, that we currently work 10 grape varieties, between new vines and old free-standing vines (over 90 years old).

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